Thursday, February 25, 2010

Relevance of MBA

Many engineers prefer to join MBA after BE. There is fundamental difference between MBA and BE. Whereas BE is knowledge-based, MBA is skill-based. For example an engineer wanting to design a reactor or design a structure must know and understand the mathematical formulae required for the purpose. On the other hand, there is no formula or a set path to manage a business. Managing a business is a skill till date. Every businessman evolves his style of management, based on the manpower (skill sets), equipment and materials required for the purpose. The structured training in management helps him manage better. The importance of work experience before joining MBA needs to be understood in proper perspective.

After graduation, one joins a job. The real nature of the job, say production, services, finance, marketing, etc., is known only after working in a particular area for few years. After some years (3 - 5) of working, one comes to know about the additional skill sets required to become efficient and successful in the profession. That is the stage when MBA course, with a specialization in the relevant area of management, should be joined.

As an engineer, I would say, every graduate engineer joining the industry should go for postgraduate qualification in management. After some years of work experience, most engineers rise to the level of GM and above. At that stage, the management skills are more important than the technical knowledge.


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