Friday, January 13, 2012

Free ACI Student Electronic Membership

This free electronic membership is designed to expose students, in a technologically-friendly manner, to the benefits of ACI. In addition to access to journals and publications, the E-Membership provides students with the opportunity to receive scholarships and create ties with the community. It is important for the students in their education. It will also help them create ties and gain knowledge from experienced members of ACI and their community.

Students can visit - 24 hours a day, seven days a week - for details and to sign up.

Inform students about this free program and encourage them to become ACI Student E-Members. 

Students are required to provide their professor's/advisor's name and e-mail address in the application so that ACI may confirm student status. Students who prefer to receive CI and Journals in the mail can still do so, for a fee.

American Concrete Institute
Phone: 248-848-3800

P.O. Box 9094
Farmington Hills, MI 48333-9094


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